...The story of a girl in London, England


The 365 Day Challenge

In my Early British Literary History class this semester we are encouraged to do what Dr. Burton class "Self Directed Learning". It has sparked cooking projects based on recipes from the Middle Ages, interest in architecture, jewelry, embroidery, and rather impressive attempts at caligraphy. I even carved a wood-cut piece inspired by illuminated manuscripts--exploring the simplest of household objects in order to get the best print.

And as part of my own learning, I have decided to take on what Dr. Burton calls "The 365 Day Challenge". The task? Write a sonnet every day for an entire year. The purpose? Well I guess that depends on the person. For me, it is an opportunity to understand and work within a form that does not come as easily to me as others. I think in 8 or 12 beat lines. Never 10. And the compactness of the sonnet aggravates my tendency towards long winded-ness. The hope is that, by next February I will have mastered this long used and well proved literary tradition. And that I have a lot of fun in the process! Wish me luck!

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