...The story of a girl in London, England


In response to a Middle English Lyric...

A short disclaimer: As I read the lyric “Of all creatures women be best”, I felt that it deserved a response. I enjoyed the original lyric immensely, and, I must admit, I enjoyed crafting a rebuttal even more. While the opinions and attitudes expressed may or may not represent MY OWN feelings on the subject, they do reflect the general feelings of the modern female populace (drawn roughly from a poll taken by the Mediterranean Society online). I thought it only fitting that women be given a part in the discussion, as they have been excluded from it so often in the history of literature, and in the history of the world. If anyone is offended, my sincerest apologies. Enjoy.


Of All Creatures Men Be Best

Of all creatures men be best,

Quod ioco id est.*

Though dog and cat may wag their tongue,

They cannot speak, nor sing a song.

Tis not their fault, they’ve done no wrong…

They can but bark all the day long.

But man, his intellect so grand,

He speaks so well, he doth command

The TV screen, the wife, the land,

To do his will, or else “be damned”!

In speech he is most eloquent.

You cannot help but love his pent

Up manly grunts that oft frequent

The halls of homely house or tent—

He’s so romantic! Loving care!

And every night he’d rather share

A book with you, and brush your hair

Than watch the game, or… fight a bear.

We women ought to bow and bend,

To man’s affection, which he lends—

Oh, feeling sweet, that often mends,

The aching heart which living rends.

For men are noble, feeling beings,

Who pay attention to the little things.

Never cross, we all must know:

they’d rather die than hurt us so.

--Early 21st Century

*Quod..est. Latin: What a joke that is to say.